Python Development – Curriculum
Școala Informală de IT
1. Introduction
2. Built-in Data Types
- Mutable or immutable
- Numbers
- Immutable sequences
- Mutable sequence
- Set types
- Dictionaries
3. Conditional programming & looping
- If
- The ternary operator
- The for loop
- Iterators and iterables
- The while loop
- The break and continue statement
4. Functions
- Why use functions?
- Scopes and name resolution
- Input parameters
- Return values
- Tips & Tricks
- Recursive functions
- Anonymous functions
- Built-in functions
5. Memory saver
- Map
- Zip
- Filter
- Comprehensions
- Generators
6. OOP
- Decorators
- Class and object namespaces
- Self variable
- Initializing an instance
- Inheritance and composition
- Multiple inheritance
- Static and class methods
- Private methods and name mangling
- Property decorator
- Polymorphism
7. Web development with Django
- Django design Framework
- Django URL dispatcher
- Setting up Django
- Customizing the admin panel
- Creating the form
- Writing the views
8. Interview Preparation
- How to present oneself during an IT interview
- CV formatting tips